The angle of elevation of the top of a tower as observed from a point on the ground is α and on moving a meters towards the tower, the angle of elevation is β. Prove that the height of the tower is atanαtanβtanβtanα.


Step by Step Explanation:
  1. The situation given in the question is represented by the image given below.
    D B C A h (Tower) a x α β
    Let AB be a tower of height h.
  2. In the right-angled triangle ABC, we have cotβ=BCBAcotβ=xhx=hcotβ=htanβ(i)
  3. In the right-angled triangle ABD, we have cotα=BDBAcotα=x+ahx+a=hcotα=htanαh=(x+a)tanα(ii)
  4. Now, let us substitute the value of x in eq (ii). h=(htanβ+a)tanαh=htanαtanβ+atanαhtanβ=htanα+atanαtanβh(tanβtanα)=atanαtanβh=atanαtanβtanβtanα
  5. Thus, the height of the tower is atanαtanβtanβtanα meters.

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